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Laughing like children, living like lovers.
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A fighter (Being happy #5)
Hello! Today I have a story for you, one that really touched me. Maybe even change me a bit. A story that I heard on a train today. ...
Follow your dreams!
Hello I am sorry for being MIA for a while now, but I have a lot going on with my university, since my first semester is slowly bu...
La petit Marseiliais review
Hello Today I have a review for you. About a month or little less ago my friend showed me a lotion that smelled amazing and f...
World cup 2014
Hello everyone! World cup in Brazil is almost finished! As a big football fan, I am quite sad and don’t really know what I will...
Runners must be the saddest people.
Hello everybody! Long time no see, but I am back. Definitely back. For my whole life I was not very comfortable working out outsid...
Balea - Oil repair spulung review
Hello! When it comes to hair products I am very skeptical if they will actually give me what they promise. I have been disappointed...
Hello everyone! It finally feels like summer in Slovenia. Temperatures are high, sea is getting warmer and my holidays starts o...
Bloggers should get more credit!
Hello everyone, how have you been lately? As you may noticed I gave my blog a makeover. If you remember, before it was very...
What makes you happy? (Being happy #7)
Hello! I haven’t write a blog post about happiness in a very long time and it is mostly because I got lost in a busy circle of life try...
A little hair haul
Hello! Few days back I went food shopping, but I couldn’t help but go to a drugstore just to check things out. I went to DM – Droge...
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Hello Yes I am stll alive. I am sorry for being gone for quite a while, but in Slovenia we have some crazy weather going on and I am ...
Posted by : Anja
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Just a girl, with loads of plans and wishes who is stil trying to find the perfect shade of mint.
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