A fighter (Being happy #5)

Today I have a story for you, one that really touched me. Maybe even change me a bit. A story that I heard on a train today.
I was on a train from my home town to Maribor Next to me I saw a woman, in 40tis, maybe 50tis? She looked kinda odd, but I didn’t paid much attention until she started talking to me about the direction. I had hard time understanding her and she noticed it. “I am sorry, I am no good with words or pronunciation… never mind.” I was shocked, because I was trying to help not … you know offend her in any way, so I politely asked her to ask me again and excuse myself for not paying as much attention to her question as I should. She asked, I answered and then she burst into tears, telling me how she always gets that kind of reaction, especially with young people, so she doesn’t even bother anymore but I was the only one around. I was mostly trying to calm her down, that it is okay, telling her it is not her fault that people are impolite. She asked me if I want to hear a story and I was hooked, I love stories. 

About 19 years ago, I had a car accident. My husband died, my brother died and I was the only one who survived, but I got a serious brain damaged. I was in coma for about a year and when I woke up, I didn’t know how to talk, how to walk and I lost most of my memory. I was like an grown up baby, you know. I was so shocked and probably looked like someone has just hit me with a rock right into my face. The only thing that I actually remember clearly was the fact that I am a mother, a mother to a newborn and a kid who just started elementary school. I knew I have to fight, fight for my life, but mostly fight for them. It was so hard, learning language all over again, even more because before that I knew how to speak 6 languages. She smiled, I was very smart, working in pharmaceutical. But I did, I fought and learn again Slovene, how to walk, I even learn some English. My life was not even near like it used to be, but I was happy. I could talk on phone again and let me tell you how much I missed that! I smiled, because we women are so alike. I could go on a walk, not far, but still and most of all I could take care for my kids, my lovely two girls that I have and love so much. This accident really changed me, forever and I was positively sure that with my recovery things will only get better, but no. They did not. About 5 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. Most people would gave up, but not me. I am a fighter, remember? So I am fighting, once again. I even started having jokes with doctors about me defeating death all over again. You know… I have no intention to surrender. I fight and I have a positive mind even though some people don’t get me, but honestly I feel like I have so much to live for, I want to see my kids grow and she smiled with her eyes so sincerely, this cancer got nothing on me I have been through worse. 

Then she had to go. I felt so inspired and so glad I give her a chance to tell me her story. Her story of her life and it was worth listening. What about yours? Are you a fighter or a quitter?


  1. Dobila sem solzne oči... Bila si "priča" zelo žalostni, pa vendar inspiracijski zgodbi.. Hvala ker si jo delila..

    1. Vredno jo je blo delit, ne slišiš česa takega vsak dan (:
