Different interests ?!

I know my blog in young. Practically it is still a baby, but I have found myself in a state of life where I see myself and my life in general changing from day to day. I know I wrote down in my very first post that this will be a blog about fashion and make up and home décor and so on, but reality is slightly different.
I still enjoy all of that but at the moment my interests are a little different. I prefer thinking about motivation and success or books. I love books and cooking even organizing is right now more important to me than a perfect make up. What I want to say is that currently I am more interested in growing up and trying to reach my goals than talking about cosmetic or pieces of clothes.
I realized that while making my bucket list and even to me, it is still surprising, mostly because I have been in love with putting different looks together and discovering fashion trends for so many years. I am not saying I am completely done with those kind of stuff, because in my head I have so many products that I want to review and in a way I still love it whit my whole heart, but currently this is not my priority.
Maybe I don’t know much, but about two things I am completely sure. I love blogging, even more than I expected to and the second – I want my blog to reflect my life and my passion. Down below I am going to put some pictures about that, about my interests and you know what? I have written down in one of my post that I want to be happy and do things that makes me happy and right now, I am doing just that.  


1 comment:

  1. Pozdravljena! Nominirala sem te za Liebster Award: 2014 Edition, podrobnosti si poglej na mojem blogu :)
