Liebster award: 2014 edition


Few days back I was nominated for the Liebster award 2014 edition by UnlimitedLifePlan. I would like to thank her and now let's just jump on following the rules.

  • Thank the person who minanted you and link back up to their blog. 
  • State 11 facts about yourself

    1. I am slowly becoming a pescetarian. I used to loved meat and I am pretty sure that I ate it so much because of my mom, but since I am living on my own I never really feel like eating meat.
    2. It is no secret that I am overly obsessed with technology. I am sure I could not survive without my phone, my computer, coffee machine, rice cooker etc. more than 2 days. 
    3. I wear glasses. I have diopters as long as I can remeber and I used to wear contacts, but when I realized that I can sleep 10 minutes longer if I don't put them in... I chosen sleep over contacts.
    4. I adore animals. Few years back I had a dog, guinea pig, few stick insects and 2 frogs that I have raised them myself. Best time ever, haha. 
    5. I have got over 70 nail polishes. 
    6. I am 1/8 russian. 
    7. I highly dislike stews. 
    8. When it comes to love, I like to overly complicate and think.
    9. Once I would like to live in a different country for at least 3 months for example ... in the UK.
    10. I can't stand horror movies,
    11. but I love musicals with all my heart.
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominator

    1. Why are you writing a blog?
      I like expressing myself and also I found blogging very entertaining.
    2. What do you think about healthy eating and regular recreation?
      I honestly admire people who can stick to that kind of lifestyle. I admire how passionate the joggers are, when they early in the morning run around the city, when I can barely have my eyes open and I respect people who are eating healthy, especially when I am having a hamburger oh so very late at night. 
    3. If you had won the lottery 250.000€, what would you do with money?
      I think this one is pretty obvious - I would go traveling and traveling and traveling and the rest I would invest in something, probably gold.
    4. What is your dream job?
      Good question, I have got no idea, but maybe working for a magazine? or having my own business.
    5. How to deal with criticism from nearby and strangers? Treat both the same or not?
      When it comes to strangers, I don't really waste my time. They don't know me, nor my story and to be honest, their opninion really won't change the life I live in any way. But when it comes to people that are near to my heart in any way... I would think twice, but in the end listen to my heart. 
    6. What are you feeling when you get a positive comment on the blog? You're happy of this or you think that's nothing special?
      I think no one will answer this with "I don't like when you comment". Everyone in a way wants to be noticed. And yes, I am happy ... I don't take comments for granted. 
    7. If you have unlimited money and 1 month time - where you are and what are you doing?
      I am probably on a plane, flying to the London to see my friend. After a week or so I would take him to the airport and bought us a ticket for the first plane that is taking off ...
    8. Do you believe in astrology, numerology and these sciences?
      I used to read horoscop every single day. I think that some very rare people actually have that gift. I just don't believe that 20 people on the TV who are reading cards etc. have that. But someone, somewhere... yes.
    9. List the 5 read books, which you liked the most.
      It had to be you (Zakaj prav ti?) and Kiss an angel (Reci da) by Susan Elizabeth Philips. The host (Duša) by Stephenie Meyer, See Jane score (Naravnost v tarčo) by Rachel Gibson and The art of french kissing by Kristin Harmel. 
    10. Why do you think women put so much time and money for cosmetics, clothing, editing etc.? For you - this seems reasonable or do you think we spend to much time for this stuff?
      This one is a hard one... Probably because they don't feel confident without? or maybe because it's in our nature to be all pretty and that. But sometimes I really feel that some women over do it for a basic everyday make up... but if they do feel good in their shoes, I don't mind at all. 
    11. Do you watch any of the youtube channels? Which are best for you?
      I watch a ton. I like to watch Jaksgap or Bubz. Also I like to watch some booktubers like Kat or Catriona.
     I don't follow many blogs that have less than 200 folowers and all that I do follow have already been nominated, but still... here are my 11 questions if you feel like answering them :)

    • What genre of music do you like? How it makes you feel?
    • What do you think about long distance relatinships? Do you believe in them?
    • What is your favorite flavour of tea?
    • How do you picture yourself in 5 or 10 years?
    • If you should describe yourself with a song, which one you would chose?
    • Your opinion on tattoos. Do you have any?
    • Is your past-you proud on who you have became?
    • If you could wish for anything, what would you wish for?
    • Do you like to expirimenting with your hair?
    • What is the best thing that has happened to you?
    • How many foreign languages can you speak?

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