What makes you happy? (Being happy #7)

I haven’t write a blog post about happiness in a very long time and it is mostly because I got lost in a busy circle of life trying to get every single thing done and make everyone happy, except me. I was losing myself and making distance with my own self because I didn’t want to deal with my problems. But running away gets you nowhere, so I sit down and have a little chat with myself. In the end I only realized that I can’t expect to my life become better or different if I don’t put any effort in it and no matter how many reasons I have I am the only one to blame for being unsatisfied with my life or myself. But at the same time I also realized that everything is not so black and white, that there is loads of pink and yellow and green. There are many little things that make me happy no matter how many projects fails or things don’t turn out as I expect.

Like food. Cute breakfast or lunch can’t hurt nobody and can only put a smile on your face. 

Or little trips every so often

And a good ice coffee on a sunny day
And relaxing power walks
And if everything fails, bubble baths are forever.

How about you, what brings a smile on your face on a rainy day?

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