Sunday, 22 December 2013

The christmas tag!

It is basically now or never to do this tag and I really like reading about others traditions. So here is Christmas tag that few bloggers did!
  1. What time of the year do you start your Christmas shopping?
    I usually start very early, like in the middle of October or very late like... 1 or 2 day before. This year I did almost all of my shopping in the first days of December.
  2. Do you have any festive recipes for food or drink you limit solely to the Christmas season to share?
    I don't think I have any special recipes, but I always make gingerbread cookies and decorate them. For me this really equals fun and it also means spending some time with my mom, because we usually do it together. When it comes to drinks, I always drink muled wine since first of December till Christmas eve. I don't know why is that so, but I guess this is my personal tradition.
  3. Tell me how Christmas goes down in your home?
    We woke up pretty early, around 8 and open presents. Later on we have breakfast and go to church. After lunch we go to my grandmother's house and celebrate there with the whole family, also we exchange gifts. In the evening I normaly watch a Christmas movie. I like to spend Christmas with my family, since I don't have much time to be around them and holidays are just perfect for reunions. 
  4. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
    Not really, except baking cookies and going to church. Also presents and spending time with family, but this is pretty common, isn't it?
  5. Do you have a favorite festive coffee?
    No, I don't. I almost never do myself a festive or any kind of special drink, becuase I usually drink only water or tea.
  6. Do you have a favorite Christmas song?
    I have a bunch of them, since I love Christmas songs. My all time favorite one is by Britney Spears - My only wish (listen it here). For this year I have discovered this cover by Justin Bieber and it's so funny because I don't really like his music. It's Santa Claus is comming to town (listen it here) and also Misletoe (listen to it here). 
  7. What do you do on Christmas eve
    We usually have a nice diner and watch a movie. Just chilling with my family.
  8. What's your dream gift for this year?
    I have never been materialistic, so I don't have my dream gift that someone could give it to me, but if I could get anything, really anything I would wish to be my dad still celebrating with us. 
  9. What is your Christmas wrapping strategy?
    I don't have one. I am the worst when it comes to wrapping gifts, but I still very enjoy it and I don't like giving present in a bag.
  10. Describe your Christmas tree? How tall?
    I will describe the one we have at my mom's. It is around 160-170 cm tall. We have a bunch of ornaments this year and colourful lights. 
  11. What do you wear on Christmas day?
    Something red. Always red. Another tradition and I even paint my nails red haha
  12. Do you decorate just the tree or other area's of your house?
    I have my whole apartment wrapped indecorations, but at my mom we decorate only the tree.

Okay, so this is it. Little something about me and our Christmas. Hope you enjoyed and have yourself a Merry Christmas and all the best.


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