
Hello everyone!

It finally feels like summer in Slovenia. Temperatures are high, sea is getting warmer and my holidays starts on Friday! I couldn’t be happier with having days completely off, enjoying summer nights in a park with group of friends and watching movies under stars. Almost like heaven.
You may or may not know that I am extremely pale. I am either completely “white” or “red”, no nice tan for me and sunburns are pretty much part of every summer. So I think I am pretty qualified about giving advice on that.

This one is pretty basic and everyone will tell you that you have to drink loads and loads of water, especially in summer! It also help with sunburns, because hydrated skin recovers more quickly. 

Apply plain yoghurt on bunt skin. Not only it will feel very pleasant, because it’s cold it will also help reduce damage on your skin. Leave it there for a while and then rinse it off with a nice cold and refreshing shower.

Aloe Vera!
You can buy it in a gel form in a drugstore or pharmacy or you can be all natural and use fresh leafs from the plant. (It looks like cactus, so it can also be like a décor piece). No matter in which form you will use it, it will feel cold on your skin and be very pleasant. If you decide to use fresh leaves, try to find the biggest and widest leaf. Peel “the skin” off and inside you will fine watery-gel look like form. Rub that on sun burns.

St John’s wort oil
This is my newest find and got inspired to write a post about that. If I am correct, you can buy it in a pharmacy. It looks like a normal oil, obviously. You just apply it on and leave it. It make take quite a while for skin to absorb it. I would suggest you do that when you know you won’t be leaving the house for at least 2 hours. This will also nutrition skin. I like it so much because I normally have very dry skin on my upper arms and sunburns make it even worse, but with this my skin does not feel try at all so I think I will start using it even when my skin is not damaged.
Those are my most used methods when it comes to dealing with sunburns, but if you can stay away from direct sun during 10 a.m. and at least 4 p.m. and of course use sun cream with SPF at least 15.  

Talk later,

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